Aug 18, 2011

10 Year Reunion

So I just had my 10 year reunion... I think I had built it up in my mind too much. Michael raved about how fun his was and how everyone had grown up and the HS BS was gone and done away with.

First, our renuion was to be at a nice club. Yes the tickets were expensive, but hey, it's our 10 year reunion suck it up! We knew it was going to be happening so it really didn't catch us by surprise. People compalined about how pricey it was so the event was cancelled and moved to a bar that only cougers would be caught dead in.

So my husband and I go and it's still HS BS all over again. I have to wonder... do we grow up? I think I have... I have matured, I don't go to clubs to get wasted and act a fool on the dance floor. I don't throw up peace signs to show how "baller" I am and I certainly can think of a better thing to do on a Friday night then hang out at a dive bar in a room full of people that have all divided themselves back into the groups like HS. I lasted 3 beers and 2 hrs. I left after a group of girls screeched their excitement of seeing each other... again, thought we had out grown that.

All in all, I could have saved the case and the drink money and looked up these people on Facebook. Lesson learned

May 11, 2011

To be or to not to be

My husband, Michael and I are newly married. I would like to believe that you are still considered newlyweds for up to a year. We are 9 months into our newlywed bliss and so far enjoying it. But Michael's parents came for a visit not that long ago. I love his parents- they are from the Midwest and have the biggest hearts ever. His dad reminds me of my grandfather who passed when I was young and I enjoy every minute I get to spend with him. This trip was special... there was more mention of that word... KIDS. “When are you going to make us grandparents?" My reply, "look at the two sleeping puppies over there... Those are your grandbabies." Michael and I have two rescue dogs, Jacques a Bichon Frise and Sherman "The Tank" a Maltese Poodle Mix. These puppies are a handful enough as it. And yes, they are a great training tool for kids. You have late nights when one of them is sick, you have to take them to get their teeth cleaned and even clean up after them. They are a great training tool.  Michael and I discuss the matter of kids, but we both agree, we aren't ready to give up our DINK title. It’s a great title. Dual Income No Kids. It's great in the sense that, we can still take off and go for a hike, a bike ride or go camping. Michael has taught me to love the outdoors more. And camping has become our thing to do when the weather is nice. I am slowly venturing into the world of hiking. Michael calls it hiking, but I call them forced marches. And, I can come home to a quiet house and read a book. Being a voracious reader, this is HUGE for me.
Coupled with Michael's parents visit my 10 year HS reunion is looming. Looking back, I always thought I would be married, white picket fence with 2.5 kids. Never really thought about a career. I am married, don't have the white picket fence, but I do have a fence and I am embarking on a new chapter in my career. I was just recently promoted and now manage a group of 8 people. And last but not leaste, I am going to gradschool at Boston University to get my MSPM. So far I am in my first class. Still working on the whole juggling of life, work, and school. I am getting back into running and hope to complete a triathlon by the time I am 30. So at the end of the day, I like my title, and I get to come home, hug my husband, play with my dogs and look around at all that I have accomplished and celebrate the fact that Yes, I am a DINK.